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Azure Web apps comes in with very interesting tool, called Kudu, which is web application itself, designed to service and configure your web application. It exposes several APIs to service you - for example, MsDeploy, zip, zipdeploy. In this post I wish to cover some differences between zip and zipdeploy and how I used zip API to deploy Sitecore Unicorn data.

...читать далее "Azure Web app Kudu: overcoming api/zip built-in timeout"

While this guide is primarily targeted towards usage with Azure Web apps and Sitecore ASP.NET solution deployed on them, still it is possible to use it on on-premise solution with other types on ASP.NET projects, running on Windows.

...читать далее "Transforming deployed configuration file in Azure web app"

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The target of this post is to share how to configure Sitecore JSS headless with a Node.js proxy on CentOS and to demonstrate a staging approach for the hosting of the CD role. Since the front-end is rendered on a stand-alone Node proxy, we can easily configure as much backend CD servers as needed, which allows us to deploy CD code on a staging server, and then switch the target server on the Node instance.

...читать далее "Sitecore JSS: a blue green Node.js server configuration"

While working with Sitecore deployments based on ARM and PowerShell scripts, developed by Rob Habraken (Rob has covered them in a series of blog posts on his own blog) and slightly optimized by me, I noticed that we are having a problem: these scripts are used on a per-project basis and once implemented, they start aging. Since manually updating scripts for each project is a dull and cumbersome task, it usually is never executed. So I decided to build a VSTS release task, which could be reused in each of our projects and makes it easier to always have the latest version of the ARM and PowerShell scripts for a certain Sitecore version.

...читать далее "Sitecore Deployer"

Since I started working with Azure Web apps I started thinking: how could we optimize budget spending for PaaS? For VMs it is clear, you stop them. VM v1 requires an additional PowerShell command to deprovision them to stop spending money on them, while VM v2 are deprovisioned automatically on stop. But for or Azure SQL databases and Azure Web apps it was not that straightforward.

...читать далее "Saving money with Azure Costs Saver VSTS extension"

This blog post covers automation of  VSTS extension publishing with Teamcity 🙂

...читать далее "Automating VSTS extensions publishing via TeamCity"

Recently, my colleague asked to help him in configuring trust relationship with self-signed certificate on his development laptop. It took decent amount of Googling to find and build this. ...читать далее "Trusted self-signed certificate on local Windows machine"

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Другі год запар мы з вялікай сям'ёй збіраемся на сплаў. Гэта пост - караценькае справаздача аб гэтым годзе

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Start of it 
Some time ago, my colleague Jeroen asked me to optimize the local development process for one of our web applications, which has more than 450 C# MVC views, which leads to a problem – extremely long local startup times (can be more than 5 minutes on decent developer workstation). Also, we’ve experienced the same problems on production, which is delivered by means of MsDeploy (though they are not so big, cause delivery to production is much rarer event than local compilation). So, I set sails on investigation and optimizing this

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